High Caliber Shilohs
Long ago in a place far away, well in Central Pennsylvania, I spent months researching Shiloh Shepherds, and we had to meet them in person to see if it was all true. So we went to the Shiloh Specialty in Punxsutawney in 2005 and I found the Shilohs to be everything I had hoped for. Thankfullly, we were in agreement that a Shiloh would be the dog for us, and a beautiful, friendly puppy named Moose decided he wanted to come live with us.
As I learned more and more about these amazing Shilohs, the more enamored I became of them and we started adding to our family. I can’t imagine our lives without them, so if you are looking for a Shiloh Shepherd visit our High Caliber website and learn about our dogs, maybe one will choose you.
For further details regarding High Caliber Shilohs, please visit our website or contact us with any questions.
Rachel Greenawalt
Kimberly Murnyack
Central, PA 814.404.2777 puppies@calibershilohs.com www.highcalibershilohs.com